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Academic Vocabulary

Common definitions used by all staff in all departments, to help support our students with a special focus on our EL students.

Analyze: To separate into smaller parts and examine for meaning

Apply: To put to use

Claim: A statement that may be called into question

Evaluate: To judge or determine the worth or value of something

Evidence: Supporting data; proof

Explain: To make clear or understandable

Identify: To name, label, or recognize

Internet: To show meaning by using your own words

Model: A demonstration or example

Simplify: To make easier to understand

Summarize: To state briefly without losing meaning

Ways to Parents / Guardians may support their Peterson Student

  • Hold your child accountable 

  • Encourage educational independence (i.e. have student communicate directly with teachers) 

  • Encourage your child to focus on personal growth versus grading outcomes

  • Promote organization and student responsibility