Parking / Traffic Safety
All visitors must sign in at the main office before entering campus. Thank you!
Drop Off and Pick Up at Peterson
There are two (2) main areas for dropping off in the morning and picking up in the afternoon:
- The first option is along the East West portion of Rosalia Avenue in front of the Main Office / Cafeteria.
- The second option is entering the large parking lot off of Bryant Way and proceeding to the drop off zone in front of the main gym.
- Please note that traffic is one-way only along Rosalia Avenue, and through the parking lot off Bryant Way.
- Please pull as far forward as possible in either drop off or pick up location before your student exits or enters the vehicle from the passenger side only. This will assist in efficient and safe arrivals and departures for the entire community.
- Be careful of students walking or riding a bicycle through the parking lots.
Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:00am and must be picked up 20 minutes after the conclusion of the day as there is no supervision before or after those times.
Please familiarize yourself with the map below to help with smooth student drop off and pick up.
Do not pass a car or bus when students are present. Wait your turn in line.
If you have questions or concerns about drop off or pick up, please contact Vice Principal Angela Kretsch.
Morning Drop Off
All vehicles, including buses, are to stay in line and wait their turn to get into the parking lot.
The safety of students, staff and parents comes before bus schedules. This arrangement has been mediated by the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety.
Please pull as far forward as you can before letting your child out of the car.
Afternoon Pick Up
Parents often arrive early and beginning lining up to get their students which causes a backup on Rosalia. There are not staff and students at this time, and parents should be in their vehicles, so the safety issue is not there.
Once the bell rings, buses and vehicles need to wait in line like everyone else until they reach the parking lot. The safety of the students, staff and parents comes back into play when the dismissal bell rings.
Please pull as far forward as you can.
Parking at Peterson
When visiting Peterson, dropping off or picking up during the school day (approx. 8:00am - 3:30pm), please park in front of school or in the staff parking lot off of Rosalia Ave.
Please do not park in the main gym parking lot.
All visitors must sign in at the main office before entering campus. Thank you!
From the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety
Walk, Bike, Scooter, Skateboard to Peterson
Please remind your child about the importance of bike, scooter, skateboard and pedestrian safety while going to and from school. Some helpful reminders are:
Helmets should be worn at all times when riding a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard
Students should ride in a single file line in the bike lane when riding in a group
Students should remain on sidewalks when walking
Students should cross the street using the crosswalk
Students should walk their bike, scooter, or skateboard on campus
Students should lock their scooter or bike in the appropriate place on campus
Students should stay on the opposite side of cars when riding and walking in the main gym parking lot
Need a bike helmet?
The Safe Routes to School and the Traffic Safe Communities Network (TSCN) will provide free helmets to students who bike, scooter, skateboard, or use any other wheeled vehicle to school. By law, any child under 18 must wear a helmet when biking, scootering, skateboarding or using any wheeled vehicle. Wearing a helmet will avoid a $100 plus fine and keep you safe while riding!
Please complete this flyer & turn in to the main office if you need a helmet.